Monday, June 20, 2011

This blog dedicated to Alice Lohr

I began the journey into eating to get back my health and eating to prevent disease and death because of the death of a fantastic lady, Alice Lohr. Alice was a spinning and knitting teacher, and an all around good person. She was just a normal person, no overt agendas, married with dogs and lots of friends.

She died in 2010 from the human version of Mad Cow Disease. It was horrible, and it was preventable. When she was dying, I began to read everything I could get my hands on about the disease and the myths that surround it. (No, she never left the country, and yes, the disease is in the US in larger numbers than you'd imagine). The next post will share some of the research that's been done about the disease.

I actually began to experiment with eating better and differently about the same time that Alice was sick when a friend sent me an article about Aspertame and other sweeteners and their connection to many MS like symptoms, dizziness and vertigo to name a few. I was drinking a few diet sodas here and there, but I was also dieting and eating various foods that contained it. I researched that and sure enough, there is a lot of information out there about it. I've had horrible, debilitating vertigo for several years, so bad that it puts me in bed for days at a time. I've also had gut issues, Crohns' disease, IBS, gall bladder disease, migraines, you name it and I've had it. Sure enough, getting rid of everything that had a sweetener in it helped not only my recurring vertigo, but also many of my gut issues.

Right now I'm enjoying the most fantastic health I've had in my life because of following the research and eating to prevent these things. My mentual acuity and memory have also improved even though I have a job which forces me to work long hours and be jet lagged.

I will also tell you that I'm in college again, and I have access to the University of Maryland library system and its extensive collection of scholarly and medical journals and periodicals. I don't just google this stuff. I'm happy to share the resources I've used when writing my own pieces. I also intend to share other sources of information's work. Primary sources are yours to find on those. I don't post things that I don't trust the sources.

So with that, just know that the blog will be slow going with the other responsibilities I have in my life, but I'm very glad to share all that I've learned with you, the reading and inquiring public.

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